Astrid Wang
S7-CX315 SD/ S7-CX317 SD card
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Kategorien: Control Systems
版本: III

Through the use of the S7-CX315 SD/ S7-CX317 SD card by IBHsoftec GmbH a Beckhoff CX8000 embedded PC becomes a S7 compatible PLC. The retain memory contains the STEP7 program and all data. The S7-CX series can be programmed with S7 for Windows or original STEP7.
The S7-CX315 SD / S7-CX317 SD can be used with the complete CX8000 series. Next to Ethercat, the fieldbus systems Sercos III, Profibus,CANopen, RS232/RS485, BACnet/IP, Profinet RT and EtherNet/IP are directly available on the device.
As hardware platform for the S7-CX SD, the modular DIN rail PCs of the CX8000 series of the Beckhoff Automation GmbH is used. Since the new S7-CX SD series behaves like a original SIMATIC PLC, the programming tools S7 for Windows® and STEP7 can be used. The S7-CX SD executes a program in the same manner as a hardware PLC. The retain memory contains the STEP7 program and all data.